Hi there. 

I am an Afghan- American UX designer & researcher with a background in Behavioral Science, education, and theatre. I completed my MA in User Experience Design at the University of the Arts London (UAL)

In my work experience, I observed a significant gap between the services we offered and the communities they were intended to support. My interest in the design field was sparked by a desire to understand and narrow this divide.


Coming from a non-design background, I've encountered moments of imposter syndrome while working in this field. However, I'm realizing that my non-expert approach, combined with a willingness to embrace mistakes, learn continuously, and maintain unwavering curiosity, has led to truly exhilarating design outcomes.

My approach is multidisciplinary, participant-led and collaborative. It centers respect, exploration, and research-based decision making. I hope to continue applying this towards addressing social issues in direct and tangible ways.


Currently reading

Toby Ord, 2020

Other Interests

Art History


Music Production

Theatre + Screenwriting

Cultural Anthropology



Farah Zia Ⓒ 2023